Tutorials ========= In general, you need to make three objects (Train, TopModel and Analysis). The Train object can be initialized either from (a) single cell RNA-seq dataset or (b) single cell ATAC-seq or (c) bulk RNA-seq. Training part can be time-consuming depending on how big your data is, however you can learn each train model per random state in different jobs and then combine all together. Look at `this tutorial `_ for mor information. For guidance on using Topyfic to analyze your data look at our more depth-in tutorials: - `Analysing single cell C2C12 data only using regulatory elements `_: Analysing single cell and single nucleus using C2C12 ENCODE datasets using regulatory elements instead of all genes. - `Analysing single cell microglia data `_: Analysing single cell microglia data from `Model-AD portal `_.